Powerbook: Literaly closing net connection?


I have a 17" book and its connected wirelessly to the airport which is via eather net. I move around my house alot, since its a laptop, and if i have anything that requires a constant connection such as a download or a chat program, when i close the book to move it, everything seems to disconnect, is there a way i can change this?
Closing the book puts it to sleep...I don't think you can put a powerbook to sleep and have net connections remain up.

You have to move around without closing your powerbook if you want to keep the connection.
nope, the only way you can operate a powerbook shut is if it is connected to an external monitor with the power plugged in and an exteral keyboard/mouse attached. This dosent rerally sound like a solution to your problem.

I guess you could get a realllllly long extention cord for the monitor and power supply put it all on a trolley and wheel it around the house.... but that might defeat the purpose of having a laptop in the first place...!!
As far as I have read Apple claims that if a PowerBook or iBook keeps running while closed it can overhead.

I have looked into this a bit, I would also like to be able to continue downloading or what ever and just have it turn off the monitor.

But what are you going to do. I think it's a small price to play for such a 1337 laptop :).