PowerBook Modem Problems


I have a PowerBook G3. I use it most of the time at the office rather than home.
Well at the office we are running a phone system. When you pick up the phone, you press '9' then the number you want to dial out (and if applicable a long distance code). Anyways, I need to dial out sometimes to other stores and look up data. I have the number set as is to allow it to work: ,9,,,##########,. . Well it dials out. I hear it, but it just kind of stall safter it dials the number. I hear it dialing all numbers, but nothing going out. I even hear the dial tone before it dials.

When at home, I just dial straight out as follows: ##########. This works fine.

I think it is something with my phone system, but it doesn't make any sense since other modems let the calls out.

What are your thoughts?