Powerbook only wakes up when plugged in


Right, well, a while ago I complained about not being able to put my Powerbook to sleep when closing the lid. This happened after it was sent off for repairs (one of the worst experiences ever), and I couldn't fix it, but just got used to manually making the laptop sleep.

Today, I tried waking it up from sleep, and it wouldn't, the light kept pulsing. In the end I tried to switch it off, which worked after about 3 minutes. Then I couldn't get the darn thing to switch ON. I plugged it into the mains and it responded. Now, this has happened 3 times since then (the plugging in the mains to wake up from sleep/switch on).


PS: It's still not getting to sleep normally :(
i've seen powerbooks not wake-up from sleep even if plugged into the wall when two variables are met.

- battery is to low to power on PB
- your using a 45W power adapter rather then a 65W (both were available from Apple separately.) to power it on. you can use the 45W, but you have to let the PowerBook sit for about 5 minutes or so before you attempt to wake it or power it on.
Oh, that reminds me.

It had 34% charge one time, 45% another time, and 23% the third time. When I managed to wake it up the first 2 times it reset the date/time to 1970... and the third time, it woke up, claiming it had 0% battery...

I am using the adaptor that came with the Powerbook, 65.

Clear your power management settings... Let me see if i can find how on a powerbook.... (looks)....

Ok, here you go

PowerBook G4 and PowerBook G4 (Gigabit Ethernet)

1. If the computer is on, turn it off.
2. Press the reset button located on the rear panel of the computer between the external video and modem ports.
3. Wait 5 seconds.
4. Press the Power button to restart the computer.
Note: Resetting the power manager also resets the date and time. After the reset, the system clock is set to 12:00 A.M., 01/01/1904.

PowerBook G4 (DVI)

1. If the computer is on, turn it off.
2. Disengage the two keyboard latches located between the Esc and F1 keys, and the F11 and F12 keys. (You may also need to disengage the keyboard locking screw located between the F5 and F6 keys.)
3. Lift the keyboard.
Note: To ensure no harmful static electricity is transferred to the computer, properly ground yourself before performing this procedure.
4. Press the reset button located on the upper right side of the logic board near the power button.
5. Wait 5 seconds.
6. Press the power button to restart the Computer.
Note: Resetting the power manager also resets the date and time. After the reset, the system clock is set to 12:00 A.M., 01/01/1904.