Powerbook Revision?


Charlie Brown
I am currently thinking of buying the 800Mhz Powerbook, but I am just trying to sensically wonder if a 1Ghz model (possibly with superdrive?) will be coming in the upcoming weeks along with the new PowerMacs that are on the horizon. I know it's stupid to not get a computer in fear of upgrages to come, but I just want to make sure we are not very close to Powerbook revisions. If the revisions weren't coming until MWSF, I wouldn't wait, but if they are due out in about a month or so then I would like to wait. Any thoughts/comments? -Ryan
New PowerBook models with Bluetooth, 1 GHz G4 processor and Mobile SuperDrive will appear at AppleExpo Paris or Seybold.
When exactly are the dates of these events? If this is the case then I will definitely be waiting. If those machines come about, that's going to be one mother of a powerbook...Also, what are the chances of a machine like that being announced for the same price as the high end powerbook at $3199? -Ryan :)
i don't pay attention to rumors and such. but i do notice when the 'deals' on a model starting getting better. right now the promotions on the current powerbooks are getting better and better. this is almost a sure sign that changes are coming soon. best to wait and see for a short while. When a change does occur, you will probably have a week or two to decide if you want the current models at a new reduced price with nice extras, or the new models at about the same price the previous models are now.
Do you know if there are any changes to the case that allow better AirPort reception? I've heard mixed results about the current revision's range, and would really like to see the PowerBook on par with the iBook, but this is probably unlikely...
Those three things you said would be REALLY cool if they were true...How do you get your info :)?

And Ed is exactly right btw, I know all too well. I got my WallStreet (a sturdy little machine, still going strong on 10.1.5) a week before the Lombards came out, because Apple convinced me to buy it by shaving 300 dollars off of its price. (this was before I learned the right times to buy Apple products. :) I strongly encourage you to follow Ed's advice Ryan!)
Just wait until the model and configuration you want is available. Then you know you are getting exactly what you want. Just be prepared to pay the price.
Add two things to my PB feature wish list:

*Better video card - the one currently installed is very good, but could still be better since you can't upgrade it. Plus while QE is supported on the current models, it could be even faster on a better card. Maybe an nVidia card finally, w/ 64 MB VRAM?
*DDR RAM - this should be possible since it is in the Xserve now, right? Maybe it's too power hungry, but I don't think so since one of my friends has it in his DULL.
About 'Where do you get your info from, Fryke': I do have some pretty nice contacts by now. I also get quite some 'anonymous' input, which I normally put off as pure speculation. But about the PowerBooks: These predictions are pure common sense. See:

1.) The PowerPC used in todays PowerBooks is the PPC 7451, which scales up to 1 GHz. Apple will make use of those chips.

2.) Bluetooth has been pushed by Apple. It makes the most sense in portable products and Apple has already killed IrDA in the latest TiBooks. Bluetooth will be in.

3.) Panasonic (the company which make Apple's SuperDrives) has announced a version of their drive for mobile computers. Apple also pushes the TiBook as _the_ mobile solution for video pros with Final Cut Pro 3.

Autumn (September, October) is a good time to release the new PowerBooks, as the 800 MHz version will have had its good time by then. I expect the PowerBook line to be updated in October and then again in March 2003.

I'll also try and get some more info about them.
Originally posted by fryke
About 'Where do you get your info from, Fryke': I do have some pretty nice contacts by now. I also get quite some 'anonymous' input, which I normally put off as pure speculation. But about the PowerBooks: These predictions are pure common sense. See:

1.) The PowerPC used in todays PowerBooks is the PPC 7451, which scales up to 1 GHz. Apple will make use of those chips.

2.) Bluetooth has been pushed by Apple. It makes the most sense in portable products and Apple has already killed IrDA in the latest TiBooks. Bluetooth will be in.

3.) Panasonic (the company which make Apple's SuperDrives) has announced a version of their drive for mobile computers. Apple also pushes the TiBook as _the_ mobile solution for video pros with Final Cut Pro 3.

Autumn (September, October) is a good time to release the new PowerBooks, as the 800 MHz version will have had its good time by then. I expect the PowerBook line to be updated in October and then again in March 2003.

I'll also try and get some more info about them.

Oh I see what you mean by common sense moniker now, I just thought you had absolutel definite information.

1) Yeah, that would be common sense. ;) There's always a processor speed increase, we should expect it anyway. Hopefully they will maintain the quiet fans of the latest revisions...as well as lower processor heat.
2) You are probably right about internal BlueTooth, especially if Apple includes it in the latest PowerMacs. I mean who wants to have a USB adapter hanging off the back of the PowerBook all the time?
3) I thought it was Pioneer who made the drives and they said they were working on them but not ready yet? Maybe by September for the Paris Expo they will be done though.
woops. messed it up. sure, pioneer. matsushita/panasonic was for earlier drives (cd-rom, dvd-rom etc...)
Well, I don't know what Apple's past policy is with "giving the stars what they want" (including special builds/advanced products), but if you look at the Moby story that was around a week or so ago:

"The DVD was produced using real-time video performance software by VIDVOX (makers of VDMX and Prophet), Final Cut Pro and DVD Studio Pro. [We] burned the DVD in the car on the way... we literally ran from the parking lot to backstage - we made it, and the show went on without a hitch. It was the real-time video software and our Powerbooks which made it all possible."

Now, sounds to me like they finished the DVD and burned it...in the car. Moby does exclusively use Apple hardware...perhaps they have a powerbook model with a superdrive built in? Just speculation...but it fits! :)

I would guess it to be an external one, I doubt that he would have a newer model than apple has announced as that would allow for a ton of leeks from his crews etc...