PowerBookG4 color monitor issues


I think I've gone crazy. My screen has gone to B&W and it's inverted (negative image). It starts up with color 'til the actual screen background comes up. It's possible I could of hit a key command by accident or something, I don't know. I've had no problems for the past two years. Somebody Pleeeeeeease help. It's greatly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance,
Bobbi Jo
Go to System Prefs/ Universal Access. There are ways of inverting the screen etc.

You probably hit one of the key shortcuts.
Please don't take this the wrong way, BUT I LOVE YOU , MAN!!!!!! (lol) what a relief, that took me all of one second, after hours of lossness. Wow, thanx soooooooooooooo much. I hope your selflessness comes back to you in ten fold.
Happy Days,
Bobbi Jo