Powermac doesn't seem to recognize a new internal hard drive


I have a 2005 G5 powermac dual 2g with a 160g internal hard drive. I just installed a Seagate SATA 500g internal as well but the computer doesn't seem to recognize it. When I power up I get an initial message saying something like "You have inserted a disk that contains no volumes that Mac OSX can read..." When I click on one of the options (I believe that it's "initialize"), Disk Utility opens up and it's clear that the computer can see the new drive since it seems to show a 500g hard drive. I then see options like first aid, erase, partition, RAID, and Restore. In the menu bar I see "New Image." I'm guessing that I need to do something here to get the computer to utilize/recognize the new drive. This is where I'm lost. What should I do to get this drive up and running? Thanks!
Everything seems normal : )
Click on your new disk in the list on the left, select the Erase tab, choose "Mac OS X Extended (Journaled)" from the menu, name your disk whatever you want and click Erase. Then your disk should appear on the desktop.

Eventually you may partition the disk from the Partition tab.
Gracias amigo! That seems to have done the trick. It shows up on the desktop now. With any luck it should work fine. Thanks again.