Powermac G4 not booting, just gives a little light :/


The Powermac (MDD, Dual 1.25 Ghz) lost power while it was in "Sleep" mode. Other than that nothing happened (bar me accidently unplugging it while doing some work on cabling).

Now it won't start up anymore.

When I press the power button, the power button lights up, stays lit up as long as I push the button, and then slowly fades again. I tried removing and reputting the little battery on the inside, that didn't help. Stuck my head in it, doesn't smell/look burnt or anything either.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as it's kind of a crucial machine to me :D
I have the exact same problem you describe here on my G4 PowerMac. Whether I press the machine's power button, or the power button on my cinema display, it only stays lit while I press it, then fades away when I release. Please contact me via email if you find a solution - bridges.scott@gmail.com

Thank you!

Depending on how old your G4 is you could try reseting the pram by powering up holding down the option>apple>p>r keys or on the older blue/grey ones there is a reset switch on the system board near the battery. Hold that down for 5 seconds and release, close the case and try powering up again.
You misunderstand :) The machine doesn't boot, _at all_. Nothing turns on on the inside, nothing has a current going through it, other than the LED for the Power button.

For me though the problem solved itself after leaving the machine unplugged overnight.

(Even if you do try zapping the PRAM, nothing happens, basically because nothing is turned on, especially not the USB bus connecting your keyboard ;))
I think that if you reset the PMU button it will solve your problem, It sure wont hurt. The button is located near the battery..
I am having the same problem as described above. I spoke with apple and they said it was either my motherboard, power supply or processor. This G4 Quicksilver was given to me so I really don't want to drop a whole lot of money. I was wondering though, I read on a few forums that if you press the PMU button more than once it can really screw things up... well what happens if one would have done this? :o

Also, I have replaced the BIOS battery with no luck and changed out the power supply with no luck. Anyone have any ideas?