PowerMac G4

It depends on which PowerMacintosh G4 model you're referring to -- there are quite a few.

Most that I know of either have a standard VGA port, or a DVI port with a DVI-to-VGA adaptor. Some also have an ADC port, but most that do have the ADC port also include a standard VGA or DVI port as well.

Do you have access to the G4 in question? If so, a quick peek behind will answer your question. If not, maybe you can post a link to the computer in question to be absolutely sure.
G4 Mirrored Drive Doors (both versions) - ADC and DVI
G4 FW800 (2003) - ADC and DVI
G4 QuickSilver - Education Model - ADC and DVI
G4 QuickSilver (2002) - SVGA and ADC or ADC and DVI
G4 QuickSilver - (first model) SVGA or ADC
G4 Digital Audio - SVGA or ADC
G4 Cube - SVGA or ADC
G4 Gigabit Ethernet - SVGA or ADC
G4 AGP Graphics - SVGA or DVI