powerpoint to text



I have been spending way too much time on this so I thought I would post it and see if anyone had an answer:

I have a powerpoint presentation that I would like to get to text. I have the original editable ppt file with many slides that I can open in powerpoint and keynote, but I can't figure out how to get just the text into "copy and pasteable" text. Anyone have any ideas?
01. While in ('PowerPoint') 'normal' view, select any or all text in the left side (outline) panel, and do an 'Edit, Copy' ('Command c').

02. Launch (open, run) or bring forth any text editor, and do an 'Edit, Paste' ('Command v').
Thanks for the reply. I have tried that. It seems obvious that it should work, but it only pastes blank line breaks.

It seems that when I highlight text individually it treats it as text box (most text is in its own text box) so if I select everything, I am only selecting the text boxes.

Any other ideas?