PPC Mac - look to run either Deluge or uTorrent - is possible


Hallo all :

new guy here - machine G5 2.5 quad Power Tower 4.5g ram

I look to use - if possible - uTorrent or Deluge on this PPC

I was trying to install Ubuntu as dual boot and erased OSX from a bug in the Ubuntu 8.04.1 download -

can I run either virtual PC or something like this without Ubuntu dual boot to run uTorrent or Deluge on my PPC machine

Cheer sin advance:
According to the Deluge web site, it runs natively in OS X. You might need MacPorts to install it, though, unless you want to compile it from source yourself.

Have you considered other BitTorrent clients like Azureus/Vuze or Transmission?
Hallo Mikuro:

Cheers ja for the reply :

yes - have been using Azureus for over 2 years - also used Transmission
both have positive features - both I find slow uploads - though I was just amazed to see Transmission pushing 175 K for spurts - Azureus when I have a no. of files pushing will communicate so bloody slow for pulling files - why I seek another possibility

For Deluge - been trying this for 1.5 yr- seems it a bit better for intel Mac - no hear good stories from an PPC users

BTW I believe there is a beta version of uTorrent for Mac OS X and the developers have every intention of putting a Mac version out very soon.
Hallo symphonix:

Yes - a beta version for INTEL Mac was leaked end of September this .

no intentions of a version for PPC Mac ever from what I hear - I could be wrong but see no use for uTorrent to develop for PPC at this stage - Intel Mac sure sure - Likely be pretty good once outta Beta
