Pre-determine windows location on the screen


Music writer

Is there a way or a shareware that will allow me to control the position of windows in an application so that everytime the app is started, the windows are placed in a pre-determined location on the screen?

Thanks for your help.

I thought my question was very basic, but obviously, I was wrong. Could somebody who really knows OS X at least tell me if this can be done at all?

Thank you for your help!
For Cocoa (or Carbon nib-based) applications it can possibly be done by modifying the nib files (inside the package contents). You must have the Apple developer tools (InterfaceBuilder) to do this. Basically you can open the nib file containing the window in question. Place the window where you want, then save the nib file. You're done.
Thank you so much for answering, ccuilla.

I appreciate you trying to help me, but I'm gonna need more assistance about that, though. I am not very knowledgeable in the matter. Could you hold my hand a little bit and tell me exactly what to do once I insert the Developer Tools CD in my machine!

I hope I'm not asking for too much.

Thank you in advance for your time, ccuilla!

awhhhhh hold your hand??? Awhhh....

well the first thing to do is get the Objective C bible and enroll in college.

Then 4 years later when you can BARELY begin to program a buggy application, try and mess with the dev tools.
Thank you ElDiabloConCaca and ccuilla for your kind answers.

I realize now that what I thought to be a rather simple task is indeed very complex. It was not really important, anyway.

Thank you all again!
