Prebind Me!


Recycle Me!
umm... what exactly does Prebinding do... and why are some people all for prebinding, while others warn of data damage? i'm confused.......
In early releases of OS X and OS X server, it was recommended that users run a prebind command from the terminal after installing or removing applications. I'm sure you could find that command floating around here somewhere.

Essentially, it is an optimisation that packages up the applications so they load faster. I'm sure our UNIX guys can explain it better?

This is no longer an issue as pre-binding is automatically run with each install or system update; you may notice the "Optimising System Performance" during the final stages of an install. There is no longer much need to run pre-binding manually, although it can squeeze a little extra oomf out of a system sometimes.

Any UNIX fans care to remind us of the actual command?
originally posted by kilowatt in another recent thread
if you want to update your prebindings the fun way, here's how:

Login as an admin user.
Open the terminal.
sudo /usr/bin/update_prebinding -root /

When asked, enter your password.

or for the terminally impaired like me
click here and get this app to do the same thing for you thru GUI.

now just squirm a little when you are ready to be unbound:D
I used to use "update_prebinding", however no other UNIX (Solaris, IRIX, AIX, Linux etc) seems to use such a process, as they do not have UNIX so tightly bound to an integrated user environment such as Aqua.

CDE, Gnome, KDE etc are GUI front ends to UNIX, rather than UNIX being "molded or shaped" to form the backend of the interface.