Preorder Leopard From Apple Store

FedEx Tracking:
10:27 AM
Delivery exception
Future delivery requested
8:12 AM
On FedEx vehicle for delivery


WHEW!! FedEx delivered @ 11:55 AM. I was quite worried! Now, all's right with the world. :)
Mine arrived around 12:00...was getting worried myself. Went to Best Buy last night to buy a new external, but was told they don't stock LaCie anymore. Decided to wait until this morning to see if I could find something better than the WD. Went there again after FedEX dropped off (they have signs on the front door saying Leopard is available at 6PM tonight), only to find some LaCie Quadra 500GB drives sitting on the shelves--go figure. Wish I could have found a 1TB model, but this'll do for now I guess. Time to backup, then clean install Leopard.