customization & Tangerine Theme.


I don't know enough about programming to do this sort of thing. Would you be willing to email me some info or instructions to get me started??

If it's too much of a hassle, don't worry about it. I really like the icons you made up.

P.S. Have you heard from apple's lawyers yet......?:D
I'm still waiting for Apple's lawyers mail asking me to remove this theme from my webpage, but they may have changed their mind, wouldn't they ?

Pierre :cool:
I still think Apple's gonna get you!:D
Hay, I was looking at a snapshot of one of your desktop images and I noticed a Hotline icon sitting there....Is there a version for OS X of hotline?
I miss using it, im never in OS 9 anymore, and in classic it dosn't really work.

Thanks for the color! Are you working on anything else for X?

You have A LOT of time on your hands.....

Not that I'm complaining.

We need independent developers like you to give those individuals screaming for customization of the GUI some satisfaction.

If you need a safehouse when the Apple stormtroopers - er... lawyers - bust in, you're welcom to crash on my floor.:D
You know, it doesn't take a lot of time to change theses files, I managed to change it in 30 minutes.
Moreover, I'm studying my exam that begin monday, so I don't really have much time to play with this part of Mac OS X :-)

And I still don't have any news from Apple lawyers, have they forgotten me ?

How did you get GIMP running in single window mode on OSX? I have Xfree86 4.1, but it only runs in full screen mode. You seem to have XDarwin running, but the only version I have only works in full screen mode. Are you running VNC? Just curious.

Richard M. Gronostajski
Assoc. Staff
Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Dept. of Cancer Biology, NB40, 9500 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH. 44195
Assoc. Prof., Case Western Reserve Univ., Dept. of Biochemistry

Phone:216-445-6629 Fax:216-445-6269
Lab Webpage
CCF homepage
CWRU homepage
Xfree 4.1 doesn't support rootless mode, that's why I use Xdarwin 4.0.2 which is base on Xfree 4.0.2 ;)
You should download XDarwin at MacGimp and start it using "startx -- -rootless" and it should works (it works of me).

I used to have 4.0.2 but "upgraded" because it seemed that having shared libraries in 4.1.0 was considered better than static libraries in 4.0.2. Does it make much of a difference in speed or stability? I have GIMP running in 4.1 just fine but it would be nice to be rootless.

Rich G.

Richard M. Gronostajski
Assoc. Staff
Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Dept. of Cancer Biology, NB40, 9500 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH. 44195
Assoc. Prof., Case Western Reserve Univ., Dept. of Biochemistry

Phone:216-445-6629 Fax:216-445-6269
Lab Webpage
CCF homepage
CWRU homepage
I must say that I haven't tryed with Xfree 4.1 yet, I'm still waiting for a rootless version of it because I wouldn't like to use it in full screen mode, it must be awful :p

I think it's cool to be able to change the color like that, but I like the aqua color better than the tangerine. How do I change it back?:confused:
Did you make a Backup of the original file ?
If not, i'll send you mine, but you should have done it.

Originally posted by pbreteau
Did you make a Backup of the original file ?
If not, i'll send you mine, but you should have done it.

I relized that 2 seconds after the original file dissapeard. Please send me yours.
pbreteau, could you please post Themenator? I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet, but I really want to make my own themes. I already have QuickConvert. Thanks!!!
You know, Theminator really sucks :D
It works only under the classic environment and there is a bug with little progress bars.
Anyway, I don't have the right to post it here, just take a look at hotline : Hotline Search
