Originally posted by habilis
Yeah and now were supposed to actually pay more money for a slower finder in Panther and all the functions that were already in OS9, and then purposely taken out of OSX, like labels. It's all part of the Apple Industrial Corporate Cash Complex. And all the wilingly blind Apple fanatics are out there suckin it all up, adding to the backward hype.
C'mon people we have a pathetic choice of 2 OS's out there. In other words, no choice and no competition, and what happens when you have no choice and no competition? You have a monopoly, which also means you have a corporate dictatorship which means you have No Real Progress and corporate price-fixing. Sorry, but you have NO CHOICE but to pay whatever Apple deems necessary to drive its profit margin so the execs can have a third beach house.
Imagine a world were there's 25 or 30 OS's out there, all cross-compatible. The competition would be so fierce that REAL TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES would have to be made to keep the consumers attention. Prices would end up incredibly low, you would be paying about half of what you pay now.
Instead we're all paying for scaling windows and slow finders - and that's not by mistake; The reason Apple makes their software too CPU-heavy for even the latest machines is to force the little guy (thats you) to put a faster machine on Apple credit becasue that's the only thing that OSX can run on decently.
Apple is just as much a corporate killing machine as microsoft.
Originally posted by habilis
Ok so Apple is a 5 Billion dollar complex and Microsoft is a 50 billion dollar complex. The only difference is the Apple execs have 2 beach houses and the Microsoft execs have 3 and a company Mercedes. This is a capitalistic society, driven purely by cash and capital, not fairness, not need, not emotion, not honor. The more capital you posess, the more "Fair" life will be for you and it's inverse. Apple is one of the biggest and worst offenders when it comes to monopolizing a market; Apple after all is Firstly a hardware company (hardware comprises over 88% of all Apple revenue) well guess what, want an Apple computer? Gotta have Apple software or it won't work. Guess what else - want Apple software? Gotta have an overpriced new Mac or it aint gonna work. We're all getting screwed when it comes to Operating Systems in this current climate of corruption.
But don't get me wrong, I want that G5 too, I would love to have one, mainly because it's the only thing that's going to run Panther the way it was meant to be run. For a plethora of reasons, I'll take Apple over Microsoft in the end(literally and figuratively).
C'mon people we have a pathetic choice of 2 OS's out there. In other words, no choice and no competition, and what happens when you have no choice and no competition? You have a monopoly, which also means you have a corporate dictatorship which means you have No Real Progress and corporate price-fixing. Sorry, but you have NO CHOICE but to pay whatever Apple deems necessary to drive its profit margin so the execs can have a third beach house.
Imagine a world were there's 25 or 30 OS's out there, all cross-compatible. The competition would be so fierce that REAL TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES would have to be made to keep the consumers attention. Prices would end up incredibly low, you would be paying about half of what you pay now. [/B]
Originally posted by habilis
Do they make a redhat version of Photoshop 7, Illustrator 10, Quark 5, Dreamweaver MX, Freehand MX, Flash MX, Microsoft Office X, Word, and Entourage? I use these programs heavily, on a daily basis, not to mention many others that get sparratic use like 3dsmax and After Effects. Or what about my favorite games like MoH:AA, Quake, or Neverwinter Nights? If so, then I sure didn't know about it, and if not then redhat is about as technically useful to me as an actual red hat. Besides all that, I'm in the design field and people send me Mac files all the time, the outputters also ask for mac files only, so there's hardly a way around any of this.
Originally posted by habilis
Yeah and now were supposed to actually pay more money for a slower finder in Panther and all the functions that were already in OS9, and then purposely taken out of OSX, like labels. It's all part of the Apple Industrial Corporate Cash Complex. And all the wilingly blind Apple fanatics are out there suckin it all up, adding to the backward hype.
C'mon people we have a pathetic choice of 2 OS's out there. In other words, no choice and no competition, and what happens when you have no choice and no competition? You have a monopoly, which also means you have a corporate dictatorship which means you have No Real Progress and corporate price-fixing. Sorry, but you have NO CHOICE but to pay whatever Apple deems necessary to drive its profit margin so the execs can have a third beach house.
Imagine a world were there's 25 or 30 OS's out there, all cross-compatible. The competition would be so fierce that REAL TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES would have to be made to keep the consumers attention. Prices would end up incredibly low, you would be paying about half of what you pay now.
Apple is just as much a corporate killing machine as microsoft.
Originally posted by brapper
woah...settle down marx.