Printer sharing between X and 9


I have three macs setup through a Linksys router. Two of the machines run OS X, one runs OS 9 (and has to stay on 9).
I have one printer to share. Is there anyway to let the machine running 9 share the printer that the machines running X use.


good question. I've one computer running os9 and can't change it (yet,because of software whichdoesn't work on X) but i can't find with the other computers running X the printer hooked up on the os9 machine.

so anyone?
It seems to me that if classic is running on the OSX machine hosting the printer and USB printer sharing is enabled the printer should be available to the OS 9 machine. This assumes that the printer is a USB printer.

Good luck.
Your only real solution would be to get a printer server for your printer and slap it onto the network. That way all the machines can see if painlessly. Print servers come in a wide variety, and without knowing the flavor of your printer it's hard to recommend one. Hope this was helpful. =)
On my network using one Mac running Jaguar (10.2.3) CUPS and USB Printer Sharing in Classic. I am able to host a USB Printer (Epson Photo820) and print to it from an Imac running OS 9.2.2 with USB printer sharing and I can print to the same printer from my XP Pro laptop with a little tinkering on CUPS. The details on the CUPS tinkering can be found at
Good Luck and Best Regards
Andy Potvin
Well that did work. Its a bit kludgy to have to turn on Classic whenever I want the machine running OS 9 to print but at least it works. Now all we need is some unix geek to come up with a way for X to see shared printers on OS 9.


