Printing fails in 10.1 - Odd Console message


Membrum virile
My Canon BJC2100 has been working fine ever since I installed 10.1. Now suddenly I can't print any more.
Print Center launches and says it's opening the printer connection, but never finishes. I get the following message in the Console:
Oct 15 21:03:23 localhost lookupd[189]: DNSAgent: dns_send_query_server - timeout for
Sounds like Print Center can't communicate with the printer for some reason. Anyone have any thoughts and/or suggestions?
When I started up my iMac this morning, I was able to print. But after I logged out and my wife used the machine for a while, printing is again disabled. :(
Oh well, at least I'm getting a new error message in the Console:

BeginJob: [ErrCode=-9589] Couldn't retrieve value for PMRM:BeginJob:E_STAT=-9589

*** CFLog (20): /Applications/Utilities/Print Center[1510] Printer Error: An Error Occurred while Printing

2001-10-16 11:33:17.421 loginwindow[1448] Can't connect to pbs object "RulebookServer"

2001-10-16 11:33:17.422 loginwindow[1448] Can't connect to pbs object "RulebookServer"

Oct 16 11:36:15 ny-glensfalls2a-271 WindowServer[1447]: CGXDisableUpdate: Updates disabled by connection 0xd12b for over 1.000000 seconds

Oct 16 11:41:59 ny-glensfalls2a-271 WindowServer[1447]: CGXDisableUpdate: Updates disabled by connection 0xdb13 for over 1.000000 seconds

*** malloc[1570]: Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x4; This could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug