printing from mac to win2k


i cannot print from mac to win2k using smb. Can anyone help. I had it all setup and it was workign a while back until i erased all the list of printers in the print center. I chose Add Printer -> Advanced and then SMB. There i put the smb:// but it doesnt seem to work. Whats the correct syntax for smb?
Originally posted by gsahli
You may need to turn off your firewall on Windoze.

does not work :-(
what else can i try? its gived me "unable to connect to samba host"
Here ya go.

First Step, Download and install Gimp-Print from, it has tons of printer drivers for HP, Lexmark, Epson, and Cannon Printers.

This is the link for gimp-print and yes it is freeware.


On your Windows XP Machine:

1. Log in as Administrator
2. Click Start>Settings>Control Panel
3. Then Click add/remove programs
4. Then Click add/remove windows components
5. Open the Other Network File and Printer Services section.
6. Put a checkmark in Print Services for Unix.
7. Click Ok; Click Next ( It will probably ask for your Windows Cd at this point)
8. Click finish
9. Close the add/remove programs window

Next steps will have the service start automatically, which is the prefered way to do it:

1. Click Start>Settings>Control Panel
2. Double click Administrative tools
3. Double click Services
4. Double click TCP/IP print server
5. Change the startup type to Automatic
6. Click ok and close all open windows.

Next steps setup the printer for tcp/ip printing

1. Click start>settings>printers
2. Right click the printer you want to share and select sharing
3. Click the radio button for Share as and fill in the share name you want to use. (Mine is hpphotos; for hp photosmart)

Now move to your Mac and finish things up.

1. Launch the Print Center for the Applications>Utilties folder
2. Click the Add Printer button
3. Change Appletalk to IP Printing (Ah making sense now eh?)
4. Enter the Windows XP Computer's IP address in the Address Box (Will probably look like 192.168.x.x, if you don't know go to your windows xp machine and from the Command Prompt type ipconfig, it will give you the network address for your windows machine
5. Uncheck the default queue radio button
6. Enter the name of the printer shared name (ex. mine is hpphotos) that you setup on your windows machine.
7. Select your printer model, if you installed gimp print it should be there, if not pic a close model number, my photosmart showed up.)
8. Close print center after the printer was added.
9. Print till the cows come home!

courtesy of mcjunkie!!
I have always used the SMB printing, I have an iBook, and need to print to other people printers, and I cant always be setting this stuff up on there systems, so the SMB solution was better :P

If you still want to do it the SMB way, use this :


and it will work fine if you have done everything else right ;)
thanks for the smb tip. I actually am doing that but it keeps giving me the 'cannot connect to smb host' error...i have tried all combinations of the smb command
I had the mac to win printing working perfectly fine until one day I accidently removed the printer from print center. ever since then I am trying to set up another one but it always seems to fail.
I know, me too. But the broke versions of smbclient and smbspool can't make new connections. Fortunately it's easy to install the 10.2.4 versions (Then remember to chmod, chown & chgrp). Then samba is just as convenient as appletalk!
HAHAHAAHahhaahhahhooohooohohoohheeeeheeeheeeheeeeheeeeee heee heeh heh heh. WHooooo boy. That was a good one. "Then Samab is as convenient as AppleTalk!" Heh heh heh. Wow, that's frikkin' funny man. whew. Do you write your own stuff?