Printing Kills


I'm having a printing problem. When I choose to print something the program I am working in dies and I get this message: "The application [app name] has unexpectedly quit.

The system and other applications have not been affected."

This seems to happen in every application except Adobe InDesign 2.0

any direction on this would be greatly appreciated.

You should post more info;

Mac model
Printer model
Driver being used
How it's connected

Strange InDesign would print but no other apps. It's usually the other way around.
Make sure your using at least OS X 10.1.5, or OS X 10.2.6

Backup anything in /Library/Printers to some folder
Delete /Libray/Printers
Then delete all the printers from print center
Delete all the Preferences that have print in them from:

if you can not delete /Library/Printers, run disk util first, with the "Repair Disk Permissions" option.
Next go to: Apple > System Preferences > Classic > Make sure classic is set not to run at startup.
reinstall your printer driver
and add the printer.

Or call your printers tech support line.
Ive got a 1.2 Ghz G4 running OS X 10.2.6
my printer is an HP business inkjet 2600 residing on a windows network.

as I said, I can print to it just fine in InDesign and I've found I can also print to it from PageMaker.

seann: I'm trying your suggestion but am unable to backup the /library/printers folders. it says i dont have permission. will i have to go and give myself permission to every file in that folder, or is there a faster way?

advice so far is much appreciated... Im one of two mac users (and a mac newbie) in a Windows corp. and I'm the one who has to figure this stuff out.
thanks for your help. I figured it out, just had a heck of a time figuring out where exacally to delete the old printer drivers. but that was the problem.

You can change permissions of a folder and everything in it by clicking on the folder and selecting get-info (or click and command-i).

Click the flippy triangle to expose "ownership and permissions".

Change the permissions as needed and click "apply to enclosed items".

Be careful when changing permissions.
