Printing Panoramas


I just encountered a new problem with my Epson 1280 with trying to print panoramas for the first time in Photoshop CS.

I'm using the max paper size
for this printer of 13"x44". I have chosen a document size of 12.25"x43"
(3675x12900 pixels, 135MB).
I have created a new panorama paper size in the CS Page Setup dialog and
everything looks ok in the Print Preview dialog. However, no matter what I
try, when the document prints, it starts about 1/3 in from the left hand
edge of the image and only prints about 8" of the height.
I am using Mac OS 10.4.2, 800 MB RAM dedicated to Photoshop, have
downloaded the latest printer driver. I tried saving the document as a PDF as was suggested in your forum. An Email to Epson technical service seems to indicate it may be a CS issue. Any suggestions on what to try?

Here I am answering my own question. I am now able to print panoramas but am not 100% sure what the answer was. I reset the printing system through the Print Utility but at the same time received an answer from Epson Tech Service that says 13" wide paper, when making custom paper sizes, should be set to 12.94". It seems to work