Printing to Laserjet Via Ipp/cups


I currently have three computers networked locally. On one, I am running Ubuntu (Debian) and CUPS, to which I have connected a HP LaserJet 5P. With Samba, I am able to print to it via my Windows XP machine, but when I have been unable to get my new PowerBook (OS X, 10.4.x) to successfully print to it.

I have tried to use the CUPS web front end (localhost:631) to change the type of printer to "Raw" as I saw suggested in another post, but have been unsuccessful there as well. Furthermore, when I try to change things through that frontend, eventually it kicks me out and says that I can't modify certain settings.

In any case, any help someone could provide would be much appreciated. In case you need it, the printer is located at

Thanks in advance.
Question (I use Mandrake not Debian): Do you have ghostscript installed on Ubuntu to drive this printer? It's not a postscript printer, right? In other words, is the queue on Ubuntu a postscript queue (expecting postscript) like it would be on OS X?
Next, you'll need the exact queue name from the CUPS web interface on Ubuntu (left side above the generic-looking printer icon).

Back on OS X, ADD in printer Setup, Hold option key while clicking More Printers, select Advanced from the bottom of the new menu. Select Internet Printing Protocol (http). Name it. Fill in URI like this:
(I'm assuming that LaserJet-5P is the CUPS queue name here)
Select a postscript LJ 5 model - HP LJ 5MP, for example.
Now try it - you will be sending postscript to the linux queue and it will drive the printer.

Good luck.