PrintWindow for os10


I always liked the way os 9 would print window when I need to make a print out to show the contents of a cd/dvd. I made this little script some of you might find it handy. It gives you a printable file that kind of resembles what os 9 used to give using print window. Just open script editor and paste the following in to a blank script. You may want to change window position or whatever. I realize the first couple of statements could be done in a single statement but this made it easy for others to modify.

tell application "Finder"
select Finder window 1
set position of Finder window 1 to {34, 64}
set current view of Finder window 1 to list view
do shell script "DATE=`date '+%Y%d%m-%H%M%S'`;
screencapture -i -W -x $FILE;
if [ -e $FILE ]; then
open /Applications/ $FILE;
end tell