Pro-Mozilla vs. Anti-Mozilla (i.e. Ed... )

What are your feelings concerning Mozilla?

  • YAY!: Like it. I advocate Mozilla and its various incarnations (Mozilla Carbon, Chimera, Mach-o, etc

  • EH: Neutral. Take it or leave it. So AOL/Netscape uses it. So what?

  • BOO!: Don't like it. Think AOL is using programmers for free. or "I think AOL is Evil"

Results are only viewable after voting.

So, you guys let me know.

If you want this closed, it will be, if not, it'll stay open.

Your call. I'm here to help the boards and the members.

Good point!

This is kinda why threads usually stay open. We as a community usually figure out that we're being too mean and end up apologizing.

That's why I don't just close threads the minute an argument starts. I've been under fire for that from both sides. The 1st ammendment guys which consequently doesn't particularly apply to the UK, Germany, AUS, etc, etc... and the stop the madness guys.

So, thank you guys and gals for being cool w/ each other, and making up! That's what separates this board from others. True comraderie.

Viva la press3 group hug!
*Ed grabs Twyg and pulls him into the group hug. Twyg is a little uncomfortable with all this public touchy feely stuff, but deep down knows it's good to be loved*

hey, everybody can join this group hug!! no need to feel left out.:)
Ed, I congradulate you for sticking with your opinion through all the many times this has been argued. If you have a problem with Mozilla because of its relationship with AOL thats fine. To be honest, I think this has been way over-argued on here. We should just accept each other's opinions and move on :). What kind of browser you use doesn't make me think differently of you.

Anyways I think all points that can be raised have been raise, and I'm tiered of replying to them :D. Lets accept this disaggreement and move one.

(hug) :D
To clear things up,

Ed, gplex, and others, you have handled this really well, congrats. I only wanted to close it because the poll seamed geared towards disliking a member because of his browser preferences. But then again, it also hails ed as the 'chief' of the issue.

/me joins group hug

Sorry if I was pissed off! I just felt this was getting out of hand.

no hard feelings though!
This is so sweet (RacerX joins hug)...

And just to show that there are no hard feeling, I'm send all of you guy a free AOL CD.

(... just kidding :D)
/me throws AOL CD out window like frisbee, accidentally hitting old lady passing by. She curses and walks away.