Problem converting "Local (managed)" users to Network Users


Server: 10.5.3 (same occurred in 10.5.2 so its not related to the update) using OD/LDAP/WGM etc.
Clients: Various 10.5.2 and 10.5.3

Somebody (in their great wisdom) set up our users on the server but instead of making them proper network accounts they paired them with local user accounts on the clients, making them "Local (managed)" users. Grrr. I now have the task of converting these users into real network users.

The problem is that even once I have "unpaired" these local user accounts from the server, these user accounts do not become available as "Network Users". However, when I create new users in the correct way in WGM, these new users are available as "Network Users". I have compared the properties of the old (not working) users and new (working) users in WGM inspector but can't see any obvious difference.

Anyone any ideas?

(I realise I can delete the old user accounts from the server then create new accounts with the same name and shortname, and this does work, but it throws up a new problem with iCal getting confused between the old user and the new user - iCal seems to still use the old GUID for the shortname!!)
Right, it drove me mad but I "think" I know why this was happening.

It seems that the user accounts that don't allow network login have a UserShell of /usr/bin/false. Those account that *do* allow login have a UserShell of /bin/bash. Changing existing user accounts to use this shell seems to make them available as network user accounts. Phew.