problem copying data from cdrom on new iBook 12 inch


First time posting, hope someone can help

Finally got my friend to buy a iBook 12 inch, g4 1.0ghz

brand new, got it tonight from the apple store.

so, im helping him with it, installing firefox, etc...

get to his cds, try copying some data from a cdrom, just some documents, pdfs, stuff like that

cdrom stops copying at around 50mb, when we know theres more on it

figure this is odd... put a different cd in, same thing, around 50mb, stops copying

being a new laptop, figure il get all the system updates. everything goes fine, reboot, try again, nothing

try ripping a audio cd he has in itunes, works fine. all songs play fine, no losses

Friend bought a copy of Office.Mac, put that in, run the installer, doesnt load. try copying the office folder to the desktop, applications, nothing

could not figure out whats wrong.

Anyone have any ideas ? kinda makes me look like a ass. i push the kid on buying one, and hes having problems allready.

i have a ibook, and a dual g5, my sister got a ibook, 3 of her friends got ibooks, and i have yet to see this happen

any help is appreciated

Did you take the macosx DVD/cd and simply copy the whole content onto your disk? Does it break as well? Is there always this 50mb limit?
By now it sounds like a warranty case to me. So, don't worry and simply go to the next apple store and ask for a replacement, if possible. Also take your macosx DVD/CD and the office CD to demonstrate the problem. Btw, does it just occur on DVDs or also on CDs?
Good luck and welcome to the forum. :)
Last time I was in the Apple Store a guy had his 15" PowerBook in because the only media it would read were DVD movies, nothing else. Two day old laptop. I'd take it back if possible, have it exchanged, or if everything else is perfect on it, maybe just get the drive replaced. (Otherwise you may get a new one with a good drive but 10 dead pixels or a bad battery or anything else that Apple can't get right. :D)
called apple today on behalf of my friend

not that they would help me without the laptop or the serial #, but they did suggest to go into disk utility and do verify and repair permissions on the hard drive

called my friend up, did that and it worked fine

only thing i could think of is when the system was creating his account, it set some sort of disk quota max 50mb...

eitherway, it works

on the pixel issue... all mine work fine, but i have a Alpine LCD Panel in my car (cva-1004) and its missing a few pixels... alpine says thier return policy on that is there has to be a certain amount missing in any given quadrant of the screen to justify replacing it

im only missing one, so its not worth arguing, but its the point...

not that that was on topic, but something to keep in mind about lcd panels
