Problem copying file from MacOSX 10.6.7 to WindosXP shared folder


Hello Group,
I recently switched to mac os and I need to frequently copy files from mac to Windows XP shared network folder. I am getting following error
One or more items can’t be copied to “destfolder(in WinXP)” because you don’t have permission to read them. Do you want to copy the items you are allowed to read?

These are the steps I followed
- Finder-> Go to server-> SMB: Windows XP IP
-> Open the destination folder in WIndows system
-> Copy files from mac system to Windows system connected as per above steps

I am struggling to copy files. ANy help would really be appreciated.

Before you copy to another network share over a network you need to set the permissions of the OS X document. Save the file you want to transfer to your desktop and highlight the file and do a 'Get Info (command+i) on the file. Change the permissions with that so the other network users and read/write to the file, then click change all.
Thanks for the help. It solved my earlier issue. But still I am confused about file access mechanism in MAC. Now I cannot overwrite files in windows shared directory. ANy reason for that?
Also the copying files using smb://... is damn slow. Anyway I can improve it.
I dont think that post helped me much. But thanks anyway.
The copy of files from Mac to Windows shared directory is still damn slow. Are there any other way to copy files from Mac to shared Win directory except using SMB
Well there are some other suggestions. If you are on a Windows Domain check out this suggestion. Plus some users have reported if you mount 9to the desktop the SMB share. Then before opening the SMB share open a Finder window describe here:
Christopher Roehl said:
I think I have come up with a workaround for my situation. In the Finder Preferences I go to the "Sidebar", and uncheck "Connected servers" under the "Shared" heading. Still within Finder Preferences under "General" I check "Connected servers."

This shows only the volume I have mounted instead of the whole server, these settings also carry into the open dialog boxes within applications. I can browse away from the connection and connect to the share and it displays everything quickly.
(listed here)

This last tip on might be a good resource to keep an eye on. Good Luck.