Problem restoring an iPhoto backup


The hard-drive of the machine holding my (large) iPhoto Library recently freaked out and had to be reformatted. Fortunately, I use Duover to backup that machine, so I have all the data backed up. I have repaired the disk and am now trying to restore the data from my Backup. Since Duover just does standard file copies, I'm using the Finder to restore. This is all with iPhoto 7 under Leopard, btw.

Most of the data is restoring fine, but I get an error saying "the operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for some of the items" when trying to copy my iPhoto Library folder. Diving into the iPhoto Library folder, it's clear that some files work and some don't. All seem to list the same permissions (saying I have read/write), in both the UI and in the terminal. The files that generate the message, however, are all zero length. They also seem to have names that are mutated versions of other files in the same directory. As an example:

backup$ pwd
/Volumes/Raid/Nexus/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/1995/Andy's Wedding
backup$ ls -la
total 15392
-rwxr--r--@  1 backup  backup  352537 Jun 23  2007 01.jpg
-rw-r--r--@  1 backup  backup       0 Jun 23  2007 01_1.jpg

I can copy the 01.jpg file, but the 01_1.jpg file gives me an error when copied to the same destination. Note that adding +x permission for the owner doesn't help either.

Can anyone tell me what the heck is happening here?
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