problem with internet connection with OS 10.2.6



i'm using a white 12 inches iBook, 700Mhz, 384MB RAM,
& having a problem with internet connection with OS 10.2.6 at my home sometimes, i'm using normal modem phone line in my house,i do it the usual way to connect to the net:
1- plugged in the phone line,
2- select the location (home)
3- go to the "Modem" icon (on the top-right on menu)
4- click & select "connect" , the running text "dialing" appear
5- wait for a while, word change to running text "connection"
6- & it change to "00.00.01" which mean i'm connected.

then sometimes when dialing at 5- it will suddenly become running text "disconnecting"
& it will remain there (disconnecting) for the rest of time!!
longest i waited in 30 minutes!i try to go & click "disconnect" manually, it doesn't help.
so i log off & come in again, the running text "disconnecting" remain! & i have to restart & come back again in order to make it disappear. i feel very upset about this, & very troublesome for me. it never happen to me before 10.2.6.

so questions:
a> anyone know why this happen? is it something to do with my network setting?
might not be because most of the time it work too & i didn't do any changes in system preference.

b> anyone how to fix it?

c> anything to do with me having some 3rd party system preference running?
i got windowshade X, ASM.

d> this is abit off topic, everything something wrong happened (this, or software hang) & when i restart, it take 2, or 3 times longer to restart (from the moment i click restart to reach the log-in page, took around 2+ minutes... i am so shy when my PC friend see this...), any idea why?

thanks guys.
a-c I had something similar on my old machine. The quality of the line was the problem (bad contact) and this was not correctly supported by MacOS. I changed the line and it became much more reliable.

d that's normal: if you have a "bad" shut-down, the OS will make additional check and clean-up during the restart.
Originally posted by tintoy
then sometimes when dialing at 5- it will suddenly become running text "disconnecting"
& it will remain there (disconnecting) for the rest of time!!
longest i waited in 30 minutes!i try to go & click "disconnect" manually, it doesn't help.
I had this happen occasionally when I had dialup. Sometimes, changing the modem script can help. Go to your "Network" Preferences Pane and click on the "Modem" tab, then select a similar but different modem description (maybe one with a slower speed next to it). Then apply your changes and try connecting again. 'Worth a try, anyway. :)