Problem with iTunes libray file and more


Rusher of Din
Not sure if it was always like this, but in iTunes 2.0.3, it insists on making the library file iTunes Music Library (2). If I rename it to iTunes Music Library, iTunes will eventually add another file iTunes Music Library (2). Why is this?

And why does iTunes keep the music in ~/Documents/iTunes Music/ , and the library file in ~/Documents/iTunes/ ?

Originally posted by hazmat
Not sure if it was always like this, but in iTunes 2.0.3, it insists on making the library file iTunes Music Library (2). If I rename it to iTunes Music Library, iTunes will eventually add another file iTunes Music Library (2). Why is this?

And why does iTunes keep the music in ~/Documents/iTunes Music/ , and the library file in ~/Documents/iTunes/ ?


The "(2)" addition has been there since iTunes 2.0.x to distinguish it from the 1.x format which, apparently, is different(?). As for the location of the Music, you can change that to anything you want. Since each User has a "Music" folder (and a Movies folder and a Documents folder, etc.), why not just point iTunes to that ~/Music/ folder and DELETE that lame 'iTunes Music' folder. Liberate your Mac, I say!
I think the (2) is dumb, since it looks like it's a copy of a file. But whatever makes them happy. And you know, I did actually once move the iTunes music folders to ~/Music, but for some reason moved it back. It might have been something with the iTunes Library file. Not sure. Anywhere to customize the location of that iTunes Music Library file?