Problem with Office license.


Hi all,
I hope someone can give me a hint.

I don´t have any previous experience with Mac and I just started as IT on a company that has 150 PC stations an 30 brand new dual core iMacs.
There is a machine that is giving probkems from time to time about the office license.
All 30 where purchased with the software from a local authorize Mac Reseller but seems that at least one copy of Office has being used twice. Since I don't know which one and just one machine is having the problem I need to know where to check for the license key in the iMac.

I google quite a bit and found nothing, I hope someone here can help me out.

Thanks in advanced and Cheers!!!
Have you tried trashing Office and all the related .plist files and preference files? If you do a search using Spotlight, you should find all the associated files. Trash all of them and empty the Trash. Then reinstall.

BTW, which version of Office is this? Remember that older PPC versions of Office for Mac OS X have to run under Rosetta, the PPC emulation layer used to run PPC-based Mac OS X apps. This might be the reason you're running into some issues.

You might also want to check out this link from MS about the Intel Macs and their products.
OK, the versionis 2004.
Well the machine is in production an I don't want to risk the entourage DB of the user unless I have no other option.

As I said I don't have any previous experience with Mac OS X, since darwin is a fork of freebsd I thought I could handle it but guess what?, no quite as I expected. :p.

Please bare with me here until I get a kick of it.
Even do that Nixgeek suggestion is more than valid I still need to find out who is who with the licenses over all the 30 iMacs so I can have some sort of control about the software in each.