Problem with Pbook keyboard


Hi all,

The 'N' on my Pbook has started to feel different from the others. It feels kinda spongy. Can you take the key off like you can on a normal keyboard? Or is there another way I can clean/take a look at it?

You can remove the key, but it's a process not for the faint hearted. To remove the key, stick your fingernail under the top left corner. Pull starting with a little strength then slowly building up (very scary process, but you shouldn't break anything). You should hear a click. Then repeat the same process for the lower left corner.

The key should be removed now.
Right, I've managed that much. Your right, scary! No any tips for getting the damn thing back on again! :)
Ah, done it. Still no better though. Might have to take another one off for reference. Not looking forward to that. Cheers