Problem with Safari


I have Mac OS 10.4.11, and Safari 3.2.1. Safari crashes if I try to Cmd-click a link to get it to open in a new tab or right-click a bookmark and choose to open it in a new tab or a new window. It did not do that before I got the Safari update. I also cannot seem to get any content into more than 3 tabs without it crashing. Is there any way to fix it?
Check all your Internet plugins (/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ & /Users/YourUsername/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/) to see if one has to be removed. Plus have you reset Safari by going to /Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/ and deleting the file ?
That was almost it. Removing the extensions in the system library Input Managers (Safari Stand and Acidsearch) fixed the problem. Thanks for the inspiration.
That was almost it. Removing the extensions in the system library Input Managers (Safari Stand and Acidsearch) fixed the problem. Thanks for the inspiration.
That's almost always the problem when Safari crashes. Input managers.

My brother in law was without Safari for a long time because of crashes. Over Thanksgiving they asked if I could have a look at it.

First thing I saw in the crash log was input managers. Took them out and it was fine.

First though, since he'd done so many things to try to get it working I reinstalled (using Pacifist) from the original install disk. Then I let S/W update bring Safari to the current version.

After that I did the final fix as noted above.

The silliest thing of all was that he'd installed one of the problem input managers just to get the Debug menu in Safari (10.4.11). There are so many cleaner ways to get it that installing an input manager was just foolish.