Problem with SanDisk Cruzer scandisk


Hello to all,

I am receiving the following error when I try to eject my scandisk:

"The disk "*******" is in use and could not be ejected.
Try quitting applications and try again."

After trying the obvious, closing all running programs, I am still receiving the error. Can anyone help me with this problem.

Try restarting the computer via the "Restart..." Apple Menu option. This should release any handles open on the flash drive, and after the machine reboots, you should be able to eject it from your Desktop with no problem.
You could also just shut down the Mac, unplug the USB drive, and then turn it on again. That way, you don't even have to think about ejecting it once you're at the desktop.
What do you mean?
All MacOS X volumes--what Windows users call "drives"--appear on the Desktop whenever they are mounted or active. A mounted USB drive may appear as two mounted volumes. One is the regular partition; the second, the God-awful U3 encrypted partition. MacOS X users cannot use the U3 partition nor is there a way to use MacOS X tools to remove it. It can, however, be removed using a Windows utility that is preinstalled on the drive.
There was only one image for the scandisk. On Tiger the desktop would show 2 images but Leopard only shows one ( at least from my experience). As for resolving the issue, I was trying to figure out a way that would not require me to restart or shutdown.