Problem with setting upp my webserver again!!!


Bring me Tiger!
I had an webserver later before i got my router and network and stuff now i want to run my server as allways...but i can ...sure it says it is working...take this for an example:

I open "Carracho server x" and it starts up as it used to but it nemes my LAN ip adress not the real ip adress that i should have...

How do i make my webserver work again...a guy said that i could have oen with the router installed

Cheers!// Marten

I assume what you're saying is that you have a NAT router and the IP address being reported in your LAN and no your WAN IP.

That's what a NAT does :) Wha you need to do it log in to your router's configuration. I've got an SMC Barricade so I go to to configure my router. There you should have a status window that lets you see your WAN IP.

You'll also have to configure a virtual server to port forward a WAN port to your LAN IP. I have my WAN port 8080 se to forward to por 80 at my IP address.

The status display should be in the same place that you configured (PPPoE I assume?) to connect your router to the internet in the first place.

Perhaps there's some UNIX trick I don't know about...if there is I'd love to know!

Cheers, good luck!
I did no work for me!....:(
I have an D-Link router 804 and i dont connect via ppoe or what it´s was called...i could come in too the setup in the router but not configure it...i looked in a place called "Port Redirection" ...this is what i wrote...(i have tested the ports 8080 and 80 on the both places):


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