problem with terminal


hi... whenever i open my terminal it runs the defualt command as shown below:

Last login: Wed Mar 2 16:46:57 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
/sw/bin/fink install gaim
halls-129-31-82-97:~ kiran$ /sw/bin/fink install gaim
/usr/bin/sudo /sw/bin/fink install gaim

i think this started happening when i first tried to install gaim on my system and by accident chose the option of set as defualt. can somebody please tell me how i can stop this command from running every time i open a new terminal... oh and if anyone has a compiled gaim for mac os x can u please give me a link to download it... thanx
These commands will have been added to one of the hidden files in your home folder, usually the .tcsh file, or something similar (differs depending on which shell you're using).
i've checked all the .tcsh files and they dont seem to have anything... i haven't made any changes to the shell. It is as it would be when i got it from Apple. anymore suggestions or files i shud look at.
Be sure and check your .profile in your home directory. Also check for a /Library/init/tcsh directory for a .tcsh file as well
Also look in the terminal preferences. IIRC there is a setting for some commands to run on opening a new terminal. If you don't have intentionally customized I would just trash its pref file and see if that fixes your problem.
Since you're using the bash shell, here are the initialization files you should be checking for weird fink install commands.

In your home directory:


If it's not there, it's possible that the command is somewhere in /sw/bin/, so that's a good last resort.
The one I was talking about was for itself and is in Library/Preferences/