Problem with "Webshairng"


Bring me Tiger!
I am having this problem for a veru long time but i have never asked any for help...When i try to start websharing nothing is happening ??:confused: ...what is the problem?
You mean the button stays greyed out in the Sharing control panel? When you turn your browser over to: http://localhost do you see a web site at all? What do you see when you type this into a terminal:

ps aux |grep httpd
this stand in the terminal :

[www:~] mrtenced% ps aux |grep httpd
mrtenced 315 0.0 0.1 1112 220 std R+ 0:00.00 grep httpd

should it wokr now or what could be the problem??
That means it isn't running. What happens if you try to start it by the terminal? Type: apachectl start What message do you get? After that, also check your error log for apache by typing:

tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
Hehe...i posted in the forum first ...i shoul have posted an reply instead of a new postr but here is the answer:!

Bad news....
it stood:

Welcome to Darwin!
[www:~] mrtenced% apachectl start
Syntax error on line 38 of /Library/WebServer/tenon/apache/conf/iTools.conf:
Invalid command 'AuthDBMFormatNCSA', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

so i gues theres some problem but it should work
I have never used Tenon's itools, but the error is pretty straightforward. It doesn't like what's on line 38 for one or two reasons. Since I'm not familiar with defining modules, try commenting out line 38. Do this in a terminal:

sudo pico /Library/WebServer/tenon/apache/conf/iTools.conf

use the down arrow to get to the line that contains "AuthDBMFormatNCSA" which is line 38, and comment it out so that a pound sign: # is at the beginning of that line.

Hold down control and hit X to save the file.

Now try apachectl start

Someone with itools experience may have better advice.
I dont really undrestand what to do...Im not so god in Terminal stuff but can´t I just delete renon itools?...its that the problem why websharing isn´t working:confused: if it is it should work after deleting it?
if tenons iTools has an uninstaller, then by all means, use it. apache is the default web server for OSX, and it is a very robust, very secure web server, so it is a great thing to have. it is also free.

i m not sure if tenon s iTools is just a frontend to apache, or if it is a different web server. i don t have Tenon iTools, so i can t troubleshoot it. but iTools is not free, so since you paid for it, it would be ashame not to use it. perhaps your money that you paid entitled you to tech support, so perhaps you should call Tenon and ask them for help.

if you don t want to do that, then uninstall iTools. i hope that if you uninstall iTools, it will restore your system to the way it was. but right now, just deleting iTools will break your system. right now, apachectl is turning on tenon iTools, so if you just delete Tenon, then apachectl will just fail, not finding what it is looking for.

if that happens, then your options include reinstalling apache (you might consider upgrading to versoin 2.0), or reinstalling the OS. if you reinstall the OS, then you are guaranteed that everything will be in mint condition, and that the web sharing preference pane will once again be able to control your apache web server. i would hope that the Tenon uninstaller (if there is one) would also be able to restore the system to the original functionality, but i really have no idea. uninstallers are a little bit uncommon in the mac world.

so do you have an uninstaller? if so, then use it, and tell us if anything works.
I searched for itools and did only found the tenon itools stuff and no unisntaller...really i only downloaded it from a website and i dont think there was a full instalation i did because i haven´t paid for anything...:confused: So what should i do??...what happens if i delete tenon itools will that crash my system?? hope not...i don´t want to do an reinstall of osx beacuse i have made it a several time :( ...What will happen if i delete tenon itools?? know i´m only 14 years old ya know:confused:
it wont crash your system, i didn t really mean to imply that.

what i think will happen is that your web server just won t work. when iTools was installed, it changed various parts of the system to make that be the default webserver. just deleting iTools will not tell the system files what to do.

if you do not want to reinstall the OS, i don t think it should be impossible to restore the system default apache server to functionality.

and also, i may be wrong about iTools. i have never used it, so i don t know exactly what it did do to your system. i am going to go read a little about it, and i will get back to you.
OK. first here are instructions on how to uninstall iTools.

i read about what iTools is, and it is not a seperate web server (unlike their old product, MacTen, which was a complete webserver for classic macos). it is just addon features to the system apache webserver. a lot of the features actually look very nice, and if i were maintaining an OSX box server, i would consider it. i don t really suppose that you need these features right now, and i know that i do not, and furthermore, it the damn thing doesn t work, then it doesn t matter how many features it has.

so, run the uninstaller, and then lets keep our fingers crossed and hope that the system default apache installation is functional without any further problems. we ll see.
Look i have allready deleted the itools.pkg and many other reciepts from that map so i don´t know what to do...but when i should delete the same file from the teminal is that the same thing to do like delete it manually?:confused: but the other tenon itools files are left and the application tenon itools was already deleted manually i have allmost deleted the same files like the unistall thing did or what??...hope so ....but the problem still excist??....should i delete every tenon itolls file i can get from sherlock?
deleting files is not the same as uninstalling. the installer may have made changes to various system files. for example, we can be certain that it made changes to the /usr/sbin/apachectl file. searching for itools in sherlock will not reveal all these files.

if you no longer have /Library/Receipts/ as mentioned in that webpage, then perhaps the best option is to redownload iTools, and extract that file from the package (perhaps using pacifist? which you may find at, and then run the script.
pacifist is a GUI frontend to the 'pax' command on the terminal. you can download it from versiontracker, or else you can just use pax.

it extracts files from OSX .pkg files. presumably iTools comes as a .pkg, so if you wanted to get just one file without reinstalling the software (which we would only do in order to uninstall), pacifist (or pax), is the tool to use.
YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO! it´s f*c*i*g working jipiiiiieeeee!!!!!!!!!!....i´m happy again:D ....Thanx for all help and support guys...finally it is working!..:)
care to describe to us what the problem was, in case anyone ever comes looking on this board for a solutoin to the same problem?

and what did you do that eventually solved it?
I followed your tip... Reinstall tenon itools and then unistall it and that made the whole thing work again:) ..sp knpw i made a little site to see if it worked and it it your self: ...note that i am from Sweden so you have to learn swedish to understand something:p // Thanx again!