Problems at Start-Up


Hi All.
I've been having some trouble lately when I start-up my G4 Powerbook. I'll try to be as detailed as possible, but tis may make for a rather long post, so please bare with me. First off, as I said it's a G4 Powerbook, running OSX 10.3.9 with a 1.33 GHz processor, 768MB RAM, and an 80GB hard drive. Recently, while running normally, the computer had started to make a very loud clicking/clunking sound, that to my ears sounds like its' comming from the Hard Drive. Shortly after that when starting-up various odd behaviors were observed: sometimes there would be no Chime on start-up but otherwise everything went well, alternately the machine would 'Boot' to a blank grey screen and remain that way indefinately, still at other times It would chime, the Apple logo would appear and the 'circular' bars would appear, but then nothing would happen, it just stayed that way with the 'circular bars' continuing to pulse in sequence. All the while the HD would be clunking away.

So I called Apple to see if my Apple Care was still valid and it is so I booked an appointment at the Genius Desk of the nearest Apple Store, and my wife took it in (I had to work). When she described the problems to the guy behind the counter he said that a clikcking sound such as described, usually indicated immenant failure of the Hard Drive and we should back up to an external HD ASAP. After this he preformed a 'diagnostic' on the machine afterwhich he said that everything checked out O.K. and there was no problem with the HD. After this he told her (now I can't remember the exact terms here ) that we should do some kind of system restore with the disks and that should solve the problem.

So my wife bought an external HD and everything is backed-up (which is someting we had been planning to do anyway) and we plan on updating to 10.4.(whatever) - the most recent O.S. But the reason I'm writing this here is because I'm not convinced that a software restore/upgrade will remedy, what to me sounds like a physical problem (Hard Dscs shouldn't go "plunk-plunk") Now My Apple Care expires in September and the last thing I want is for this Hard Drive to die just after the Apple Care runs out.
And to top it all off it happened again - just before I managed to get it running and loged on here, infact; except this time what happened was a couple of times I got the clicking/clunking and the gery screen and then After another attempt eveything seemed to go fine: Apple logo circular bars, but then instead of the blue start-up screen, I got a black screen with what could only be the 'Root' command (which Iv'e never actually seen before)

So what gives? Is this simply a case of a corrupted OS and a restore/upgrade should solve everything. Or does it sound like there are hard ware issues here? Would it be best to try and get it to the Genius Desk when it is making the clicking/clunking noise?
so please bare with me
I prefer to keep my clothes on! ;)

So what gives? Is this simply a case of a corrupted OS and a restore/upgrade should solve everything. Or does it sound like there are hard ware issues here? Would it be best to try and get it to the Genius Desk when it is making the clicking/clunking noise?

I think you answered your own question. Get it fixed before the warranty runs out. I've never come across a software fault that would intermittently cause the noises you describe.
Well that's obviously what I'd like to do but the problem is that it passed whatever 'diagnostic' test the guy at the Genius Desk performed on it - thus his comment that the HD is fine. So I don't think that I can get them to 'fix' a 'problem' that their 'diagnostic' tells them doesn't exist.

Short of bringing it to him while it's making the noise (not an easy thing with an intermittent problem) I don't know how else to get them to repair it under the Apple Care. I was hoping to get some oppinions/guidence from the community on what the problem could be and possibly how to approach the folks at Apple in order to get them to repair the machine.
1. The problem is that your Hard Drive is faulty and the fault shows up intermittently by producing sounds and misoperation. Write to Apple pointing this out and ask them to honour the warranty when the HD eventually fails completely.

2. Use a hardware diagnostic software such as TechTool Pro to knock ten bells out of the Hard Drive.
What's the S.M.A.R.T. status of your hard disk at the bottom of the window showing in Disk Utility?
How about calling AppleCare? Explain the situation. Explain that you reinstalled the operating system so they don't ask you to do it again. Explain carefully the mechanical noises you're been hearing. Even after the re-install.

And PBear's suggestion of looking at the S.M.A.R.T. status in Disk Utility is a good one. Run Disk Utility. Click on your hard drive (the hard drive icon at the very top). If it says "failing" or whatever there's no gray area. Your drive is doomed. Report the S.M.A.R.T. status to AppleCare.

When I had a laptop that needed repair, they sent me a padded box to send the machine in. I don't know what country you're in, so YMMV.

Good luck.

Well the S.M.A.R.T. status shows as verified. So we are going to upgrade the O.S. this week and go from there. If the problems are still showing up after the upgrade a call to Apple is certainly the next step. Thanks for the advice. I'll keep this thread up-to-date as things progress.