Problems installing Airport 2.0 software

Evil Snardhoffe

Ok, here's the situation. I am trying to install the Airport 2.0 software on a G4 currently running OS X 10.1.5. When I go to install the software, it gets to the screen in the installion procedure where it lets you choose the harddrive to where you want to install it. Unfortunately, the harddrive is "greyed" out and the installer will not let me select it. It says that for the Airport software to be installed, I "need to upgrade this harddrive to 10.1" (WTF?!?!?!) As I stated before, I already have 10.1.5 so I don't know what else to do. My boss is breathing down my neck about this wireless printing network not already being set-up, so please, quickly help me out! Thanks...

Evil Snardhoffer.
i don t know why it should be greyed out. sometimes there are ways around that, and forcing it to install without checking (a la 10.1 update)

but what software do you need to install? as far as i know, all the software needed for ruinning airport is included with the OS. i know airport comes with disks, but i never even opened them, and mine works
Really? I'll try that. I don't have much experience with Macs, so that's why i was asking. I figured I needed to install the disks otherwise it wouldn't work (btw, i'm a PC tech at my work, so that's where that logic sprouted from). I'll try to see how it works and report back :)

Evil Snardhoffer.
yeah, you really don t need the disks. there should be choices for airport in the network preference pane. if you need help, be sure to ask.

it would be nice, also, if we could figure out why the disk doesn t want to install. maybe i will get my disk out of the box, and see if i can see the same error
Let the 'Software Update' in 'System Preferences' handle the software updates. If no AirPort software appears there, your computer is up to date with the AirPort software.

You'll find AirPort Setup and Base Station software in /Applications/Utilities and you can enable AirPort access in 'System Preferences' under 'Network' as stated before. Everything should be quite straightforward, really.