Problems sneding files with MSN messanger 3.0


Just got this thing and when I try send a file i get this error: We could not send this file because the connection is blocked. Please contact your network administrator or Internet service provider; they may be able to enable file transfers.

Recive files works perfectly great, what could i do to fix this thing?
im using a ISDN router.

It sounds like a firewall issue. you might need to enable outgoing transfers on that port (whatever port that is). Sounds funny though because you would think that all communication with Messenger would go through the same port. I would assume that you are able to send normal messages just fine and it really shouldn't matter if there is a file attached to it. But what do I know about M$'s always perfect, never buggy software? I think you might need to search through M$'s knowledgebase for this issue (I know... you'll be looking all day...) Unless someone else here knows something I don't (Which is probably a lot)