Problems with "No Burner/Recorder"


Hi there,
I was all psyched to try out my hand with burning DVDs from my DV camcorder. Sadly, I seem to be stuck.

I have a PowerMac G4 450Mhz, 768MB RAM running OS X 10.2.6 and all the Software Updates.

I get No Burner/Recorder when checking iTunes, Toast and iDVD. I can eject the tray, but no media is recognized when I insert it in any of those apps nor in the Finder itself.

I have tried DVD-R General use (TDK), DVD-RW and DVD+RW at the request of some of my media folks. I have tried 2 drives, the Hitachi GF1000 (June 1999) that was in my machine and a Matsushita one from work.

System Profiler says burning is fully supported, but no apps seem to agree.

I am a little stuck by all this and very disappointed. I am hoping that someone here can clue me to what is going on (like an untied shoelace or the magic hat fell off the snowman). :-)

Thanks in advance!
BTW, the Matsushita drive (from 2000) came out of a different G4 from the office. Stop laughing at my old machines. :-P
Go to the system preferences (light switch) and select CDs and DVDs under hardware.
This is where you tell the machine what to open for a burn when you insert a blank disk.
Have you tried using Toast from Roxio?
Originally posted by Cheryl
Go to the system preferences (light switch) and select CDs and DVDs under hardware.
This is where you tell the machine what to open for a burn when you insert a blank disk.
Have you tried using Toast from Roxio?
I will try this out when I get home tonight and let you know what happens.

Yes, I have tried Toast - even the Finder does not mount the recordable media so I can copy to it. :(
The finder will not mount a blank dvd or cd. I have found that if I launch Toast, then insert the blank medium, wait a few seconds and systems are all go.
If the drive is external, try unplugging and plugging back in the Firewire cable. That often gets my own CD burner going.
Sadly, did not work. I changed the settings from "Ask me what to do" to launching a different application and selected Toast 5.2.1 (I think that was the version).

When I insert the DVD-R (TDK) nothing happens and then it ejects the media. :(
Try launching Toast, insert a blank disk, then select the file, click on record.

Did you get a Hardware Test CD with your machine? Run that and see what it says.
Try hooking up a different burner to your computer, and hook your burner up to a different computer. Then, if you can do this, let us know what happens.
I have used two different burners on the same Mac, one that came with my G4 and one from a different G4 at work. Both say that burning is fully supported in System Profiler on my home G4.

I could try hooking up the burners to my PC, but I am worried that it will work and *that* will really annoy me. . .
Are you sure it is a DVD burner? Try a blank CD (not DVD) and see if it works.