Hi there,
I was all psyched to try out my hand with burning DVDs from my DV camcorder. Sadly, I seem to be stuck.
I have a PowerMac G4 450Mhz, 768MB RAM running OS X 10.2.6 and all the Software Updates.
I get No Burner/Recorder when checking iTunes, Toast and iDVD. I can eject the tray, but no media is recognized when I insert it in any of those apps nor in the Finder itself.
I have tried DVD-R General use (TDK), DVD-RW and DVD+RW at the request of some of my media folks. I have tried 2 drives, the Hitachi GF1000 (June 1999) that was in my machine and a Matsushita one from work.
System Profiler says burning is fully supported, but no apps seem to agree.
I am a little stuck by all this and very disappointed. I am hoping that someone here can clue me to what is going on (like an untied shoelace or the magic hat fell off the snowman).
Thanks in advance!
I was all psyched to try out my hand with burning DVDs from my DV camcorder. Sadly, I seem to be stuck.
I have a PowerMac G4 450Mhz, 768MB RAM running OS X 10.2.6 and all the Software Updates.
I get No Burner/Recorder when checking iTunes, Toast and iDVD. I can eject the tray, but no media is recognized when I insert it in any of those apps nor in the Finder itself.
I have tried DVD-R General use (TDK), DVD-RW and DVD+RW at the request of some of my media folks. I have tried 2 drives, the Hitachi GF1000 (June 1999) that was in my machine and a Matsushita one from work.
System Profiler says burning is fully supported, but no apps seem to agree.
I am a little stuck by all this and very disappointed. I am hoping that someone here can clue me to what is going on (like an untied shoelace or the magic hat fell off the snowman).

Thanks in advance!