I don't know what is happening, but in this specific case it seems to me that the 'pipe' command is the problem. I am trying to convert a postscript file into a pdf file (using ghostscript 7) and open it in preview.app using my "pdf" alias command.
[15:10][chris ~/plots]%ps2pdf ./test.ps ./test.pdf | pdf ./test.pdf
2001-10-21 15:12:00.613 open[823] No such file: /Users/chris/plots/test.pdf
[15:12][chris ~/plots]%ls
test.ps test.pdf
As you can see the file is definitely there! I know everything is working properly, because if I do this as two separate commands everything works fine. Any suggestions?
p.s. this wasn't a problem in 10.0.4
[15:10][chris ~/plots]%ps2pdf ./test.ps ./test.pdf | pdf ./test.pdf
2001-10-21 15:12:00.613 open[823] No such file: /Users/chris/plots/test.pdf
[15:12][chris ~/plots]%ls
test.ps test.pdf
As you can see the file is definitely there! I know everything is working properly, because if I do this as two separate commands everything works fine. Any suggestions?
p.s. this wasn't a problem in 10.0.4