Problems with Retrospect 6.1 Workgroup on OS X Server


Hi all,

I've searched all over but I can't find any useful info on this. Everytime I try to do a backup of a client machine using Retrospect 6.1 Workgroup on OS X Server, the server drops its TCP/IP connections. The only way I can get it back on the network is to reboot.

Can anyone offer some advice on what I need to do to correct this? I need to get my client machines backed up, the sooner the better.

The machine is a G4 1GHz DP that is only used as a FileMaker Server and for archive storage.

Thanks in advance for any help offered!
I'm having exactly the same problems. We have 2 Xservers and about 15 clients G5's. Retrospect runs well on all except the main server. After a while the connection is dropped (still controllable through Remote Desktop though) but the backup stops.

I've done the same thing using ChronoSync (demo version) and the same problem occured: the connection is dropped. It always seems to happen randomly, not stuck at the same file, after a certain time etc.

Any ideas?