Problems with Sound and Quicktime After OS X runs for a while


Hi Folks-

I have a really annoying problem with my computer. After it's been restarted and running for about half an hour or an hour, it loses sound AND it will stop playing any movie file (.mov, .mpg, etc.) after about 10 seconds (the movie keeps playing, but the picture is frozen...can't tell if the sound is still going, because of the above mentioned problem). If you pause the movie, it will play again fro 10 seconds and then stop!

Does anyone else have this problem? I have 10.1.2 with Quicktime Pro. If I were running OS 9, I would probably do a clean install, but I have no idea how to do a clean install in OS X (and I like to consider myself pretty Mac Savvy). Is there an easier fix?

BTW, this is on a TiBook 550.

Thanks for any help,

I don't really understand how you mean the movie is still playing when the picture has frozen and the sound cannot be heard. Do you mean the Quicktime seeker tab is still moving but everything else is stuck?

You'll have to isolate the causes.

I would begin by playing another movie file. Preferably, play one that is in another format. Eg. if the problemmatic movie file is one that is in divx format, you could try playing a quicktime .mov file. With this you can find out if it is a codec problem.

If that does not work, you can try creating a new user. login with that user and have a go. If this works, then it means there is some configuration problem specific to your account. If I am not wrong, quicktime configuration files are specific to the user, so this step helps you identify whether your config file is corrupt.

hope this helps
Thanks for the suggestions. I've figured out that the sound issue is a bug with the TiBooks caused by the latest firmware update. Apple seems to be pretending it isn't happening, so we'll see what develops.

As for the quicktime issue, the problem is exactly like you said. The little "progress bar" in Quicktime player keeps on moving, but the movie is frozen on a single image. I noticed that the problem seems to be with .mpg files and that .mov files seem to be OK. What's this you mention about deleting preferences? I didn't realize that their corruption could mess with the codecs in Quicktime.


QuickTime did that to me once, but when I restarted QT Player, the problem corrected itself -- I'm sure you've tried that, though. ;)
I suggest you try many other .mpg files. It sounds like this could simply be that Quicktime does not have the necessary codec to play that particular .mpg file. Otherwise, it could mean that there is something wrong with that .mpg file.

If I am not wrong, .mpg files have quite a few variants. Cannot help you much here because I am not an expert on encoding videos nor do I know much about the many different codec differences. But I am sure there are many people here who fit the bill.

Also, like I said, if you login as another user, and if you succeed in playing that .mpg with Quicktime, then it means that the problem is with settings particular to that user. Then you can solve the problem by comparing your Quicktime settings to see what is causing the problem.

hope this helps!
I have had the same problem on a Quicksilver G4 since using 10.1.2. After a certain amount of time the sound is lost. If I restart it is fixed. If I take out the speaker plug it does not help. Is this specific to 10.1.2? Does it improve with 10.1.3? I have been a little loath to upgrade given the reports of difficulties from some.
Yes there is a true problem with the sound. I use a PB G4 550 and the sound goes off even with Xounds installed. It will go on if I close the lid and bring it back from sleep. I got a free app called KeepSoundAwake that someone wrote to solve the problem and it seems to work fine

Im totally unhappy and miss my Pismo, yes QT freezes in OSX after watching many .movs or mpegs, I just quit everything and log back in it seems to be a caching issue or inefficient use of memory. Apple will deny the sound issue, but it seems to be that the sound chips actually go to sleep, I love apple but they must be trying very hard to piss off their audio/video market, this Powerbook is horrible for multi media
Yes, I have heard Apple is in denial. I also so a very long thread on this (I think on Apple's on Forums) and there was definitely a pattern. Seemed to be 832 Quicksilvers, DP 800 G4s, and Powerbook G4/550s suffering from the sound issue. Haven't found anyone reporting the Quicktime issue, but glad to know I'm not alone. Restarting sucks. Perhaps I will try and logout and log back in instead. Thanks for the link about the sound app...I will give that a whirl.

Yes Miguel the exact smae thing happens to me when running Quicktime for prolongued periods, the playhead keeps moving but the audio/visual freezes. I have a feeling that OSX has a very long way to go .
Try the keepsoundawake app, it really works 95% of the time, according to its author the Powerbook sound goes off after 45 seconds in to sleep mode. According to apple that is to conserve power, I think that is BS and it is a bug