Probs installing the new Tiger Beta A425



I'm having probs installing the latest Beta Build of Tiger.

I just download the lastest Beta version of the Tiger (A425).

I burnt the .dmg file on a DVD and while trying to install TIGER (opening the installer's .mpkg file while booted in Panther), it asks for a reboot.
On a reboot, when I hold down the "C" key, to boot from DVD, it doesnt work, meaning it boots to 10.3.8 Panther (Startup Disk) again.

Tried to hold the OPTION key to select booting from the DVD, the DVD drive is not listed.

Tried it from an external FireWire drive and its same issue.

The FINDER is able to see the DVD disk and all the components in it fine.

I tried burning another disk expanding the components (in the .dmg file) and still its the same issue.

Does anyone know if this an issue with the format the DVD is burnt?

How do I install TIGER Build A425?

Has anyone any ideas?

thanks in advance.

Shouldn't you just burn the image via Disk Utility? From the Burn Image menu option?

I don't have Tiger, but that is how you burn disk images for Linux distributions.
Yes, the only way to burn a Tiger DVD is like Viro has said: Burn image from Disk Utility.
THE DVD Drive I have is a DVD ROM.
I used a en ecternal FireWire DVD writer to create the disk

This Firewire Drive is not being seen in the Disk Utils > Burn Image Option. THe moment I select the .dmg file, it opens the DVDROM drive.
Then you have to use PatchBurn - - to enable Disk Utility with your external writer. Really: ONLY by burning the image with Disk Utility you'll end up with a usable Tiger installation DVD.

Use PatchBurn 3 in Panther to enable your drive.
That begs the question; does PatchBurn work with Tiger?

That'd suck if I couldn't burn with DiskUtility in Tiger.
Installed the patchburn utility which now recognises the firewire DVD driver.
Burnt the image successfully from the Disk Utility.
I see 2 issues now;
1) The FINDER doesnt recognise the DVD in the Internal DVD ROM Drive
2) WHen the disk is in the FireWire Drive, the disk cannot be opened.

any more suggestions would be appreciated.
Captain Code said:
That begs the question; does PatchBurn work with Tiger?

That'd suck if I couldn't burn with DiskUtility in Tiger.

Thusfar, Tiger seems to support more external burners natively. iTunes, Finder and Disk Utility etc. all see and burn to my external Plextor DVD/RW drive.

Although I think your question should really be, "Will PatchBurn work with Tiger?"
to copy dmg to a hdd drop to terminal and type

sudo asr -source /path/to/diskimage.dmg -target /Volumes/targetdisk -noverify

This will do a block level copy of the diskimage to the target disk.
dkatte asked: "Did you Burn it as a Data Disk or what options did you chose?" - No of COURSE not. It's an image. If you even try in Toast, you have to choose it as an image. Data CD would just copy the file onto a UFS structure on the DVD and mounting it would just show you the DMG file all over again instead of mapping its contents onto the disc...

PatchBurn will, quite surely, work, once the developer gives out a new beta when Tiger is final. My guess is it'd work already. Just it checks for the OS version and back then the dev wasn't sure... (Hate those messages...)
Thanks for all your help.
THis is what I did and it worked;
1) Mounted the .dmg file using TOAST
2) Backed up the contents of the mount using a DVD-R disk using TOAST
3) During boot, hold down the OPTION key & select the DVD to boot from.
4) The install worked.

I think the key is to get a DVD-R disk.

<End of thread>
if you already burnt it from Disk Utils properly and it IS recoqnized as a Mac OSX DVD, but it still gets rejected everytime, try zapping your PRAM. this is what happened to me, my PB keeps spitting the disc out, and Zapping PRAM works.
i have the DMG in Apple Disk Copy... when I go to burn a DVD i get a
dialog box Error Msg "The Device drained its buffer without burn
underrun protection."

Tried this twice and same outcome. Can you offer and suggestions how
to proceed ?

Thank You
That's not really Tiger related. It either means your media are flawed, the dmg's corrupt (data can't be read fast enough) or your computer was - at the time - overloaded (data can't be read fast enough). The message also says the burner ain't got buffer underrun protection, which means that these things can happen. You can either try again (best with different media, best without any other applications open) or redownload (if the dmg's corrupt).
fryke said:
dkatte asked: "Did you Burn it as a Data Disk or what options did you chose?" - No of COURSE not. It's an image. If you even try in Toast, you have to choose it as an image. Data CD would just copy the file onto a UFS structure on the DVD and mounting it would just show you the DMG file all over again instead of mapping its contents onto the disc...

PatchBurn will, quite surely, work, once the developer gives out a new beta when Tiger is final. My guess is it'd work already. Just it checks for the OS version and back then the dev wasn't sure... (Hate those messages...)

Thanks for the reply, fryke.

I suspected it wasn't the Tiger .dmg, but its good to have your confirmation.
I'm only using the internal (Pioneer) SuperDrive originally installed in my eMac. Apple Disk Copy doesn't let me select "burn speed". Those options are greyed out in the dialog box before one clicks 'burn'.

Yesterday I was using off brand "Imation" DVD-R discs. I doubt it should make any difference, because of course Apple doesn't mfg their own branded DVD-R's. Still I bought a small pkg of the Apple branded ones and am about to see if they yield any different result. Thank you for your help. Will post a follow up.
