Program for my webcam...


Alright, i'm pretty sure this is a really easy question, but my macbook came with a webcam, and 2 webcam programs... photobooth and ichat.

I know i have to buy another program to make videos and save them... but i can't figure out what it is.

The apple sites explainations for its programs really seem to dogde what they actually do...

Yeah. Any help is appreciated. Thanks :)
You can record video from the built-in iSight using iMovie. It should be pre-installed on your mac. You can select the iSight as the capture device by flipping the switch from "Editing" (scissors) to "Capture" (camera), then clicking the camera icon to select an input device if the iSight is no immediately recognized.
Actually, I'm not sure why it does that. It happened when I tried it too. You can play around with the "Mirror" effect if it really bugs you. (Editing -> Video FX)