programming colors in C++



how does one program a simple color background application using C++? (not using X Window)
What is this application going to do? What what environment is it going to run in? C++ doesn't provide any standard way of doing anything related to GUIs, so you will also need to specify what GUI library you intend to use (i.e. Carbon, wxWidgets, Qt, etc).
Apple's developer tools can be downloaded for free:

You can write GUI apps in Java or Objective-C -- but there *is* a significant learning curve.

You can write programs in C++, but the GUI frameworks are not ported to C++.
I am not looking for to make a complex graphics(not at first). I just want to learn to program creating simple boxes, layers(like box on background), circles and text. I guess the graphics similar to those early redhat installation applications.

thanks for your imput guys
Have a look at the GD Graphics Library for ANSI C.
I'm using it with PHP to generate dynamic frequency polygons with multilayer transparency for graphing statistics. Cool stuff.