Programs/info being deleted-help!


I've just inherited a powerbook. I download widgets or enter information into ical or address book but then a few hours after the computer is shutdown and restarted all info/programs are gone. If I check after a few minutes, oftentimes they are still there. Any ideas?
If you need the info or apps on the powerbook, I would first try booting up from a Techtool or Diskwarrior CD and repairing the drive. This might solve your problem. But, like Bob said, reformatting and reinstalling would be your safest bet.
Personally I always do a thorough erase of the hard drive on any previously used machine with at least the write zeros option if not the more thorough seven way write option. That way I am not inadvertently "inheriting" any problems from the previous user.

Of course this presupposes you got the software restore or system install DVD/CDs with the system. If you didn't get those you are already in trouble.