Hey guys...
Im feeling really stupid right now to ask this question, but as I am at my wits end - I really dont know where else to ask this.... so bear with me here...
I am learning Cocoa via the "Cocoa Prog for OS X" book and am working on my first challenge.... I believe I have everything right, but PB keeps giving me compile errors with IBOutlets and IBActions.... Here's my code:
whereby I get the error:
Controller.h:13: undefined type, found `IBOutlet'
doesnt seem right to me as this is verbatim syntax of some of the other examples in the book....which worked flawlessly....
Am I creating the wrong type of project here???... or is it that I'm syntastically incorrect???...
Thanks if you can help...
postscript: hmm... vBcode seems to be messing up my quote...
import is set to Foundation/Foundation.h
and here are no smilie's in my code
Im feeling really stupid right now to ask this question, but as I am at my wits end - I really dont know where else to ask this.... so bear with me here...
I am learning Cocoa via the "Cocoa Prog for OS X" book and am working on my first challenge.... I believe I have everything right, but PB keeps giving me compile errors with IBOutlets and IBActions.... Here's my code:
"#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface Controller : NSObject {
IBOutlet NSTextfield *userText;
IBOutlet NSTextfield *programText;
- (IBAction)setOutputStringid)sender;
whereby I get the error:
Controller.h:13: undefined type, found `IBOutlet'
doesnt seem right to me as this is verbatim syntax of some of the other examples in the book....which worked flawlessly....
Am I creating the wrong type of project here???... or is it that I'm syntastically incorrect???...
Thanks if you can help...
postscript: hmm... vBcode seems to be messing up my quote...
import is set to Foundation/Foundation.h
and here are no smilie's in my code