Proper Respect for Apple Computer


It seems that the people over at Slashdot ( have come to respect what Apple has become, not only as a good hardware manufacturer but also a good software manufacturer (Mac OS X). Clicking here will take you to the Slashdot Topics section. Apple has always been listed there under "Apple" with a blue Apple logo. Slashdot now lists several new topics all related to Apple: Desktops (Apple), iMac (Apple), Media (Apple), Networking (Apple), OS 9 (Apple), OS X (Apple), Portables (Apple), Technology (Apple), and Utilities (Apple), Wireless (Apple).

Total topic categories for Apple Computer, Inc.: ELEVEN! More than any other computer manufacturer.

I don't know about you, but I think this is great coverage, especially from Slashdot.

This begs the question: Have the truest of GEEKS embraced Apple and Mac OS X?
I read slashdot everyday, but every once in a while it just gets stupid. Over there, they reguard anything with linux in it to be the the best thing since sliced bread. Linux on playstation? Linux on a handheld? Big deal.

I really don't think that this is actual respect from slashdot per se. (Though I hope so!:D) I think that they are taking on OS X as an ally of sorts because it runs on a UNIX layer. There are slashdot readers that are OS X newcomers, and slashdot recognizes the growth in that demographic.

Remember, Slashdot is still the mecca of mac bashing.

Boy, Chem_Geek, I hope that you are right, and this is all moving torwards a little more understanding and apreciation of the mac platform.
I wouldn't say that /. is the meca of apple bashing. As a matter of fact, I say they've been more positive about the things that Apple is doing than a lot of mac sites. Over in the linux world (or any normal world for that matter) we're not used to seeing scathing comments about something you love. However, that seems normal in the mac community.

Linux guys like Apple now because they have an OS that does the things that a modern OS should (pre-emptive multitasking, a decent filesystem, flat memory space, etc.). From a technical person's view, the old apple system stunk and it's users were not fimilar with how computers worked at a detailed level. This is changing.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see if will take away traffic from macslash. I suspect that it will.
I suspect a lot of the drive behind /. isn't just in support of unix / linux, but a hatred of all things Microsoft. Still, it is good to have the open-source crowd as our allies, and I hope Slashdot will become more and more a part of the mac world.
erhm... the rest of the geeks? the rest of the world? the rest of the design experts? or what...
Ok, while I have to agree that slashdot's covering of apple is pretty good, here's what's not:

the comentors (or is it slashdotters?)

I've read some pretty stupid coments on slashdot lately.

Basically, imo, here is the typical slashdotter's day:
wake up.
Eat small box of Penguin caffinated mints.
Go to nearest linux box (running red hat of course).
Open up mozilla (caus nothing else will do). is of course the home page.
Type in anyway caus of the caffine.
Read the heading on each article. Then coment as to their thoughts on each heading. THEN consider reading the entire posting, and, only if absolutely necessary, refer to the links and read the actuall story.
Then get dressed. :p

heh just read my other post on slashdot :)
Nope kilowatt most people on slashdot are windows users who like to think that they use linux and thus they use IE, or they are linux users who need a course in basic economics and they use konquerer because everyone hates mozilla...