Hey ...
Ive been on the look out manuals of any kind, that ARENT about showing people The Dock, or The Finder or The Eject Button...
Does anyone know of references that cover the UNIX administration and underpinnings of the Macnificent OS X?
stuff that covers admin functions - from the Command Line
that addresses questions about why Terminal Uses the Shell that it does
The over all structure of the file system and why its designed that way
{we all know about Windows Running on the normal default drive allocation of 'Drive C' and installing the system partition and boot partitions to \ and %systemroot%\system32 respectively : c:\ and c:\winnt\system32 or c:\windows\system ...etc , also, we understand that profiles basically reside in c:\documents and settings\user dir ... or programs install generally to c:\program files}
{we also are familar with OS 9 and a little of OSX in that the system installs to \system , programs to \applications or \applications OS 9 , user stuff to \users\user id etc}
What I really want to get into is stuff
like /usr /var /tmp /reg /etc /dev /bin /lib ....and so on
and the inter-relationship between these
perhaps re-cover old ground with chmod , chown, chgrp, init, boot, touch, etc
and look at the lower level command line processes and their dependence on eachother to give the GUI - things like MAIL or WEB SHARING
(ie i may be wrong, likely, but I thought that Mail was a front end to basically SENDMAIL that right? how can that relationship be scetched out between the module called XXX located in /bin?? and its liason with a prefs file in (??) /users/userid/lib ???
or take WEBSharing , its built on Apache web server right?
where is the apache program housed? /bin/...? or ...?
how does it talk to the OS to note down the folder location and or web page that OS X - is sharing out?
or what about File Sharing ?
or what about Printing across the LAN to to 'shared windows printer' - i have one attached to a USB port, and thus cant assign a IP address to it, and set up a LPD - Jobs boasted seemless interconnect with Windows Shares via a native SMB client - I can view Shared Folders just great (albeit I WISH JOBS WOULD HAVE GOTTEN APPLE TO INSTALL UNC DRIVE MAP CONVENTIONS FOR NETWORK RESOURCES - what is up with
what is wrong with
Novell does it
Unix does it
PCs do it
Apple dont (its not a BIG deal, but its a pain in the ass
I know Apple used to employ path statements such as
Apple HD:Applicationsrogram
but since they are doing such radical changes , maybe they
can also move to standardised 'slash notation' such as
that sort of thing... any one have a resource/book or book(s)
that can help with this
or any one feeling bold enough to begin , perhaps starting a Advanced Documentation Thread on trying to cover the lower level relationships and workings of this new MaCnificent *niX OS?
Thanks for taking the time ...
oh, um some people seem to be interested in gear ...
Im using a XP PC to act as a Software router for a USB ADSL (BT OPENWORLD) internet connection , I have a NIC multihomed out of that box and run it to a 10/100 switch, with a Buffalo Wireless AirStation PC Bridge on that - and it chats 802.11b to my two Apple Airport Cards in the new ibook (500/320/10gb) and Ti 550/512/30Gb .....running ....of course NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH CLASSIC (BLECH!)
Ive been on the look out manuals of any kind, that ARENT about showing people The Dock, or The Finder or The Eject Button...
Does anyone know of references that cover the UNIX administration and underpinnings of the Macnificent OS X?
stuff that covers admin functions - from the Command Line
that addresses questions about why Terminal Uses the Shell that it does
The over all structure of the file system and why its designed that way
{we all know about Windows Running on the normal default drive allocation of 'Drive C' and installing the system partition and boot partitions to \ and %systemroot%\system32 respectively : c:\ and c:\winnt\system32 or c:\windows\system ...etc , also, we understand that profiles basically reside in c:\documents and settings\user dir ... or programs install generally to c:\program files}
{we also are familar with OS 9 and a little of OSX in that the system installs to \system , programs to \applications or \applications OS 9 , user stuff to \users\user id etc}
What I really want to get into is stuff
like /usr /var /tmp /reg /etc /dev /bin /lib ....and so on
and the inter-relationship between these
perhaps re-cover old ground with chmod , chown, chgrp, init, boot, touch, etc
and look at the lower level command line processes and their dependence on eachother to give the GUI - things like MAIL or WEB SHARING
(ie i may be wrong, likely, but I thought that Mail was a front end to basically SENDMAIL that right? how can that relationship be scetched out between the module called XXX located in /bin?? and its liason with a prefs file in (??) /users/userid/lib ???
or take WEBSharing , its built on Apache web server right?
where is the apache program housed? /bin/...? or ...?
how does it talk to the OS to note down the folder location and or web page that OS X - is sharing out?
or what about File Sharing ?
or what about Printing across the LAN to to 'shared windows printer' - i have one attached to a USB port, and thus cant assign a IP address to it, and set up a LPD - Jobs boasted seemless interconnect with Windows Shares via a native SMB client - I can view Shared Folders just great (albeit I WISH JOBS WOULD HAVE GOTTEN APPLE TO INSTALL UNC DRIVE MAP CONVENTIONS FOR NETWORK RESOURCES - what is up with
what is wrong with
Novell does it
Unix does it
PCs do it
Apple dont (its not a BIG deal, but its a pain in the ass
I know Apple used to employ path statements such as
Apple HD:Applicationsrogram
but since they are doing such radical changes , maybe they
can also move to standardised 'slash notation' such as
that sort of thing... any one have a resource/book or book(s)
that can help with this
or any one feeling bold enough to begin , perhaps starting a Advanced Documentation Thread on trying to cover the lower level relationships and workings of this new MaCnificent *niX OS?
Thanks for taking the time ...
oh, um some people seem to be interested in gear ...
Im using a XP PC to act as a Software router for a USB ADSL (BT OPENWORLD) internet connection , I have a NIC multihomed out of that box and run it to a 10/100 switch, with a Buffalo Wireless AirStation PC Bridge on that - and it chats 802.11b to my two Apple Airport Cards in the new ibook (500/320/10gb) and Ti 550/512/30Gb .....running ....of course NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH CLASSIC (BLECH!)